Bulletin Boards

::singing:: Welcome to the jungle…we’ve got fun and games….here’s our back to school bulletin board…

Here is our Halloween bulletin board from last year…and I’m never one to do exactly the same thing…soooo….this year we painted a white web and used Halloween colors to make our spiders.

Pre-K Website

 I put this up last year as an extension to our All About Me theme unit. We learned all about our capital letter and body parts. What better way to show what we learned than with our cute little selves popping from behind our very own capital letter!?

I heart February. I do not heart having to decide whether to make a Valentine’s Day bulletin board or a Mardi Gras bulletin board…so…I found a way to make both. Valentine’s Day on my board, and Mardi Gras around my door. Genius I tell you…I am a genius.


Our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom bulletin board. I’m pretty sure this is one of my favs.

9 Responses to Bulletin Boards

  1. Gina chabert says:

    Can you share how you made your mardi gras door? I love it!!!

  2. Absolutely! In our parish we have a media center that teachers can use. Free di-cuts..free paper..free printer. It is my heaven! At the beginning of the year, I took pictures of my just my kiddos face and blew them up to 11×17 size. I then backed them on white poster board and laminated them. I use them around my room and door as decorations throughout the year. We change out the mask or hat for each holiday. For Mardi Gras we made masks by tearing pieces of Mardi Gras colored paper. I let them decide how they wanted to place their colors.They cut out their masks; I cut the eye holes out and traced the edges with a black marker (it just makes everything look like a finished product) We taped them to our face pictues..and ta-da.. Mardi gras door!
    For the beads hanging from my door, I traced a cricle and just glued them together randomly to make it look like a necklace. Hope this helps! Les bon temps roule!

  3. Pingback: A Bit of Mardi Gras Pizzazz | February Door Display

  4. Lucie says:

    Where did you get the paintable letters for the chicka chicka boom boom board?? I have been looking to upgrade mine!

    • I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to respond. The end of the year always seems to have me running around as if I am looking for my lost brain.
      Chicka Chicka letters? I made them using Microsoft word. Super simple. I just used a font I liked and put into WordArt. Next it was as easy as making the WordArt page size. I’ll try to make a template and upload it for you . Now that summer is here I may acutally have time to rest my stiletto wearing feet and post.

  5. Catherine says:

    Hi there! I have been searching everywhere for safari jeeps and safari people. Where did you find them or how did you create them?

    You are super creative! Very Talented! Thanks for sharing your ideas!!

    • Thanks so very much! Our parish has a fantastic media center that gets us clipart… Which is where I got my jeeps. But just the other day I saw some on scrappindoodles.com. I hope this helps. Have a great school year!

  6. Kayla says:

    Hi Mrs. Williams! We loved your design for Valentine’s Day and featured it at our blog, BulletinBoardIdeas.org, as part of our holiday line-up!

    You can find the full feature here:

    We were sure to give idea/photo credit, as well as a link back to your blog, but we’d love for you to check it out!

    Hope you have a great weekend,

    P.s. Oh, and we recently created a “Featured On” badge! If you’re interested, check out this link:
    http://bulletinboardideas.org/featured/?key=lwwHk0luHD77RMg2QzY8lzaZZKCpSm&target=6310/pre-k-is-sweet-valentines-day-bulletin-board&source=trendyteacher.wordpress.com … Sorry it’s so LONG!! =D

  7. Pingback: Pre-K Is Sweet! | Valentine’s Day Bulletin Board

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